Wadi Rum Mars Camp experience
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Mars is the next best thing according to SpaceX and Hollywood. Unfortunately, it will likely still take decades before the first human landing will be a reality. Wouldn’t it be great to already have a sneak preview of how life could be on our neighbouring red planet? Well, now you can in Wadi Rum Luxury Camp! Let me share my experience!
The Wadi Rum desert
The Martian camp is located in Wadi Rum, one of the most impressive deserts I visited thus far. The desert is famous for the historic tale of Lawrence of Arabia. Wadi Rum is also used as a film location for movies like The Martian, Prometheus, Red Planet and Star Wars.
Getting to Wadi Rum
We travelled through Jordan with a rental car, which I highly recommend as you have the opportunity to travel at your own pace and see other highlights like Petra and the Dead Sea. The Wadi Rum desert stretches from the South of Jordan into Saudi Arabia and can be accessed by guided 4×4 only.
When visiting the desert you park your car at the main gate and arrange a tour or driver to your camp in the desert (you can also pre-book this through your hotel). We booked a tour on site, remember to always bargain a bit about the price to:
- First, get a driver to our campsite and drop our bags,
- Then take us on a tour around various sights and viewing points throughout Wadi Rum in the afternoon
- Following our night stay to drive us back the next morning
- Note that there are many tours offered, some price guidelines are given by the park various types of tour durations
Top Tip: A bit depending on your itinerary, but in my opinion, one night is enough to enjoy this scenery to the fullest!
Exploring Wadi Rum desert
Wadi Rum is really an amazing place and is one of my favourite deserts visited thus far! The red coloured sand, rock formations, and immense valleys are beautiful. It is no surprise that many people got lost when trying to navigate alone. You only realize how massive this place is when you see a tiny blinking dot further down one of the valleys, which turns out to be another car.
Fabulous Sunset & Arabian dinner
All tours will end with watching the Sunset, which will turn the surrounding desert into an even deeper red. Then we got dropped off at our Luxury Martian camp to freshen up and prepare for dinner (which is included, drinks are paid separately).
Dinner is served in a traditional Arabic tent, and after dinner, you can sit next to the bonfire, watch the stars and take in the setting. So don’t be afraid you do not have to eat any astronaut food! Which in a way would have been a fun addition though…
The Wadi Rum Mars Camp
Your “tent” is pressurized and has a double door to lock the air in. When both doors are opened your entire tent collapses, which obviously is explained upon check-in! The tent has a large see-through side which allows you to watch over the beautiful valley and the stars from your bed. Furthermore, the tents have their own bathroom with shower, sink, and toilet!
We had a great night sleep, with a peek here and there to the stars above. After breakfast, it was time to leave this Ghost around the Globe experience already! Via a small tour back through Wadi Rum, we got dropped at our car…
Excited about Jordan? Read about our great experience with Jordan hospitality at Petra and Floating in the Dead Sea and exploring Wadi Mujib. Perhaps you like to combine your trip with surrounding countries, like Lebanon or perhaps Saudi Arabia?